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Maplewood K-8 Parent Cooperative Education Program is a public school within the Edmonds School District serving students from Brier, Edmonds, Lynnwood, Mountlake Terrace and Woodway. Our students benefit from the partnerships among parents, volunteers and staff members. A lottery system is utilized as interest in the Co-op exceeds enrollment capacities. We encourage all families to volunteer in their neighborhood schools.

The first step in enrolling your student in the Co-op is to attend a PARENT INFORMATION SESSION .  Information Sessions are designed for adults only. There is no need to pre-register. All information sessions are held in-person at our school. Please check in at the main office upon arrival.  We will provide guests with visitor identification and directions for meeting in the parent room.  Parents only please - no children.  

Parent volunteers commit to volunteering one-half day per child, per week; to serve on (at least) one committee; to provide transportation for (at least) two field trips per child, per year; and to attend the monthly parent meeting. Parent meetings are generally scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month and begin at 7 p.m. A pledge system is utilized as the primary fundraising source for our PCEP. A recommended donation is $20 per month (10 months) per student.

We now offer two free full-day kindergarten classes. There are two classes per grade level and class size is consistent with other schools throughout the school district.

The kindergarten lottery is held in early February each year. For families who are not chosen in the lottery, postcards will be mailed at the end of March or early April. Lottery enrollment at all other grade levels is dependent on available space and therefore unpredictable. We only draw from the lotteries when space is available.

The school day begins at 9:25 a.m. and ends at 3:55 p.m.

Transportation services are currently available from many neighborhood schools. Information about bus services can be found on the Edmonds School District website under the Transportation tab.

Finally, we strive to give our full attention to our current students. Please know that all lottery enrollment forms are kept on file until parents direct us to dispose of them- no need to call to check if your completed form is on file. Thank you.