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Presentation to Grades 5-6

Internet Safety Presentation

Assembly for Grades 5 and 6


Definition: Cyberbullying is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones.

  • If we shouldn’t say it in person, don’t put it on line.
  • Typically, more girls than boys write mean message and/or spread rumors online.
  • Don’t post mean and/or offensive images.
  • Your actions are documents FOREVER.
  • Stop and think.

Cyber Smarts

Don’t share personal information such as first and/or last name, telephone number, address, name of school, your sports team(s), names of friends, e-mail address. General rule: if you wouldn’t share the personal information with a stranger on the street, don’t share it online.

Don’t share your password with anyone except your parents- not even your best friend(s). Once a person has your password, s/he can assume your identify and alter your page.

How to Stop Cyberbullying

  • Don’t respond to rude and/or harassing e-mails, messages and/or postings.
  • Tell your parents.
  • Tell your teachers.
  • Keep a record of the rude/harassing text in case you need proof.
  • Remember, just because you’re not at school when sending rude/harassing text, you can still be accountable there.

Friends and Social Networking Sites

Think about the information you share and about who are your friends. The presenter asked students to raise their hands if they had a Face Book page. Many hands were raised. Then she asked students to keep their hands raised if they were thirteen years old or older. All hands went down. Per Face Book standards, one must be thirteen to have a page. The presenter told students to delete any personal information from their pages. She reiterated that information posted is FOREVER and to think about the type of information posted.

  • Change settings to “Friends Only”
  • Look up the definition of “friend” in the dictionary. If the person on the other end of Face book (or any social networking site) doesn’t fit this definition. S/he is NOT your friend.
  • You should not send, post, or forward pictures that are not password protected.
  • You lose control of the image once it is posted. Another person/party could alter the image and forward it to others.

Online “Stranger Danger” and Online Friendships

You may not know the truth about the people you first “meet” online.

  • You can be lied to.
  • Just because you’ve been talking to someone for a lone time online doesn’t mean you really know him/her.
  • It’s not o.k. for a grown-up to talk to you like a boyfriend or girlfriend.
  • Think about the online conversation as if it were happening in front of you in the real world. Ex. 16 year old male friended a 14 year old girl. He said he had played 5 years for the Canadian Olympic Hockey team. Did he really start playing on the national Olympic team at age 11- NO!
  • Time does not equal trust.
  • Your parents should know the people you are talking with online. Twelve and thirteen year olds don’t have (internet) privacy!

Warning Signs

If someone tries to

  • keep you from family and friends
  • make you keep a secret
  • sends you inappropriate material, picture(s), text
  • threatens you

Tell your parents and call the police.

Internet Safety Tips

  • Talk with a trusted adult if anything makes you feel scared, uncertain, and/or confused.
  • Don’t respond to messages that are rude, harassing, and/or offensive.
  • Don’t download anything from someone you don’t know. If you are not paying for it (music, movies, games), you are illegally ripping it and your parents can be held financially responsible.
  • Make sure you internet ID does not list your name and/or age.


Is it illegal to use a different name and age on X-Box Live? Response: Think about how many others are doing the same thing.

Is it illegal to buy a CD and give a song to a friend? Response: Use common sense.

Can the police find a person who lies about where s/he lives? Response: Every computer is traceable.

What if someone is making fun of your religion? Response: Tell your parents and this is cyberbullying.

What if you used your real name and then changed it? Response: Information posted online is FOREVER.

How can you trust someone online? Response: You can’t.


If you have a g-mail account, disable BUZZ. When accessing your g-mail from your cell phone a second party can find your exact location as BUZZ links to Google Maps.